Wednesday, June 2, 2010

GWT and Spring Roo Has Great Potential

After messing with Spring Roo and GWT yesterday I can confirm three things:
  1. The potential of this is amazing.
  2. It isn’t quite ready.
  3. Did I mention that this might be amazing?
Spring Roo is a command shell that, as far as I can tell so far, I have a feeling I might be only scratching the surface, creates much of the boiler plate code that we get bored of creating.  By using an automated solution it allows the development of the code to increase, raises quality and allows you to develop application very quickly.
By entering a series of commands into a roo shell on the command line or in the Spring Source Tool Suite Roo Shell you can create an application configured with different databases and database providers.  Whilst developing the data structures and GUI interfaces required for them.
In order to increate my understanding of Spring Roo I am heading to the command line and following their tutorial to increase my understanding.
Here is an example script:
mkdir hello
cd hello
roo> hint
roo> project --topLevelPackage
roo> persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY
roo> entity --class ~.Timer --testAutomatically
roo> field string --fieldName message --notNull
roo> hint controllers
roo> controller all --package ~.web
roo> selenium test --controller ~.web.TimerController
roo> gwt setup
roo> perform tests
roo> quit

It is quite readable and quite amazing!


  1. Hey!

    I typed "gwt setup" and it didn't work. Do I have to do anything before starting? I use STS.

    Thank you.

  2. Yes, you have to install the GWT-Extension. Click in the Overwiev on Extensions, install GWT an Data Nucleus.


  3. All I can find about this ROO + GWT is basic examples that do not work. And people copy-pasting the basic example on their blog and who do not even seem to try it.
