Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jeff Douglas – Technology, Coding and Bears… [article]

Jeff Douglas has some great articles covering various aspects of getting to grips with GWT.

WT UiBinder Hello World Tutorial
I’ve been working on a new project the past couple of weeks that (fortunately) requires Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and I wanted to use the new UiBinder  that was released with GWT 2.0 in early December for a number of reasons (clean separation of UI and code, easier collaboration with designers, easier testing, etc ). However, I was having a hard time getting my head wrapped around it given that the GWT site has very little documentation and only a few examples. I’ve combed through the message boards, the docs and the sample Mail application that comes with the SDK and after finally groking the new functionality, I put together a little Hello World app, the kind that would have helped me out originally. 

Full Article Here

GWT UiBinder – Passing Parameters to Widgets
I received a number of emails regarding my last post, GWT UiBinder Hello World Tutorial, specifically how to pass values into widgets using the new GWT 2.0 UiBinder. Here’s a small tutorial on one of the ways in which you could do that. I plan on another tutorial on passing multiple objects using the @UiFactory method. 

Full Article Here

GWT UiBinder – Passing Objects to Widgets
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a GWT 2.0 tutorial for passing simple values to a widget and this is the (promised) follow up on how to pass an object to a widget. For more info on working with the new UiBinder, see Declarative Layout with UiBinder at the GWT site. 

Full Article Here

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